Rethinking the Blood Donation process with a new App

Rethinking the Blood Donation process with a new App

Rethinking the Blood Donation process with a new App

Designing a virtual platform to facilitate ease and accessibility to donate blood efficiently in Pakistan

Designing a virtual platform to facilitate ease and accessibility to donate blood efficiently in Pakistan

Designing a virtual platform to facilitate ease and accessibility to donate blood efficiently in Pakistan

Product Strategy Branding Interaction Design 2021

In Pakistan, only 10% of eligible individuals are willing to donate blood, largely due to the cumbersome manual data entry systems in blood centers and a lack of awareness about the benefits of donating blood. The app aims to streamline blood center operations by offering an accessible virtual platform. It allows users to create donation appointments, receive alerts for nearby donation opportunities, and submit requests for specific blood types when needed.


I interviewed several key members of Saylani Welfare to gather insights into the project's scope, goals, and target users. We discussed various functionalities and visions for the app. Additionally, a survey was conducted with basic questions about blood donation. The results revealed that 60% of respondents had never donated blood and were unaware of the process. They lacked motivation and had only encountered minimal information about blood donation through social media advertisements.



The application aimed to actively engage users by providing real-time information about emergencies, events, and blood donation knowledge on the home page. It utilized location data to display nearby blood centers and send emergency notifications. The goal was to create a seamless donation process, allowing users to easily schedule appointments at nearby blood centers and submit automated blood requests and receive notifications when their request was processed and was available for collection.


The design process involved creating wireframes that evolved into high-fidelity designs, accompanied by an interactive prototype. This prototype was tested by stakeholders and sample users, and the feedback provided valuable insights into the application's design and functionality. Based on this input, several adjustments were made before the final design was submitted to the stakeholders. Unfortunately, the development was halted due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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